Ximedica, Quartesian, Boston Healthcare Associates combine into Veranex

Private equity firm Summit Partners has acquired Ximedica, Quartesian and Boston Healthcare Associates — rolling them into a new medtech service company called Veranex.

In its inaugural news release on June 16, the new Raleigh, N.C.- based company touted itself as the first concept-to-commercialization global service provider — with capabilities including design and engineering, regulatory, clinical, and market access.

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Smith College team wins ventilator design challenge

(Image courtesy of CoVent-19 Challenge)

A team of Smith College engineering alumnae, staff and faculty has won the CoVent-19 Challenge to design a rapidly deployable ventilator to address shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in developing countries.

A dozen anesthesiology resident physicians from Massachusetts General Hospital kicked off the public challenge April 1, attracting 200 entries. The 30-person team from the Northampton, Mass., college took a winning design from concept through working prototype. The next step could be a final product for regulatory approval in Nigeria, one of the countries that have been talking with the CoVent-19 Challenge organizers.

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