Reimagining the knee joint with electron beam melting and connected wearables

Italian medical implant manufacturer Rejoint is reimagining the knee joint using electron beam melting (EBM) and IoT-connected, sensorized wearables.

(Image courtesy of Rejoint)

The global market for total knee replacement procedures was valued at over $9 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at over 4.5% CAGR up to 2026, according to a report by Global Market Insights.

Until recently, the knee arthroplasty market consisted solely of standard prosthetic systems, with a limited range of sizes available. Correct and precise sizing and positioning are critical factors for the success of this type of intervention, which is now clinically routine, but still variable in terms of success.

Knee joints have to withstand point loads that can reach levels of over 300 kilograms. Even minimal dimensional changes between the patient’s bone elements and an implant can cause pain and inflammation. For the p…

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