Ophthalmic medical device startup WaveFront Dynamics has opened a 9,800 ft2 headquarters in Albuquerque, N.M.
WaveFront Dynamics CEO Dan Neal in a news release today described the one-year-old company as “not a typical seed-stage startup.”
The company has a fully staffed R&D team with state-of-the-art optical labs, optometry lane, and machine shops in place to drive our development efforts forward. The new office space is the first of several important changes for the organization as we prepare for the exciting road ahead,” Neal said.
WaveDyn is touting diagnostic technology that measures the eye dynamically, like a movie — versus a mere snapshot in time. , like a movie. The company says it plans to leverage the dynamic measurements to yield new insights into assessing visual performance, advancing treatment options, and improving quality of life for the visually impaired.