Axonics Modulation Technologies (NSDQ:AXNX) announced today that NICE suggested using its r-SNM system in the UK.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) offers evidence-based guidance to the UK and, in guidance published last week, it recommended Axonics’ sacral neuromodulation (SNM) system for treating refractory overactive bladder for the country’s National Health Service (NHS).
NICE’s guidance claimed that, based on clinical evidence, the r-SNM system improves symptoms and quality of life while providing longer battery life than the non-rechargeable system currently used by the NHS. Additionally, NICE’s cost modeling estimates that the r-SNM system would save more than $7,850 (£6,025) per person, beginning about six years after implant.
The evaluation also determined that Axonics’ battery life of 15 years or more will likely reduce the number of avoidable replacement procedures a patient may need to undergo.
“We have been impressed with the level of detail, fairness and transparency of the NICE evaluation,” Axonics CEO Raymond Cohen said in a news release. “The conclusions acknowledging the Axonics System as safe, effective, and cost-saving are in-line with our goal of offering best-in-class SNM technology to patients, physicians and healthcare systems. The international recognition and influence of NICE will undoubtedly carry this message beyond the borders of the United Kingdom.”