Times Microwave Systems Clarity 110-SR

[Image from Times Microwave Systems]

Times Microwave Systems announced that it launched its new Clarity 110-SR semi-rigid test cable for advanced testing applications.

Wallingford, Connecticut-based Times Microwave Systems designed the Clarity 110-SR for advanced testing of military and aerospace applications, quantum computing, automotive radar, 6G and other areas requiring low loss and high phase stability at frequencies up to 110 GHz.

The company said in a news release that the newest addition to its Clarity series of products was designed to hold its shape after being bent around angles for installation within an enclosure for applications that require no movement of the cable assembly, accommodating tricky routing in tight spaces.

Clarity 110-SR features a simple, robust construction with just three components: a silver-plated copper center conductor, a solid PTFE dielectric, and a bare copper tube outer conductor. The copper material provides the right combination of flexibility and rigidity for maintaining a configured form, the company said.

“The Clarity 110-SR is ideal for RF testing in high-technology applications where physical space is restricted,” Times Microwave Systems Applications Engineer John Muzzio said in the release. “The more complex and demanding applications—especially those requiring high frequencies—need to be supported with equally advanced testing—and at Times Microwave Systems, we continue developing the range of solutions required for any challenge.”