Vero Biotech wins FDA approval for inhaled nitric oxide delivery with anesthesia in the OR

The Genosyl system. [Image from the Vero Biotech website]Vero Biotech announced that the FDA approved its second-generation Genosyl system for use with rebreathing anesthesia in the operating room setting.

Atlanta-based Vero Biotech designed Genosyl for inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) delivery. This approval covers the second-generation Genosyl device. The third-generation device — which recently received FDA approval — has not yet been tested with rebreathing anesthesia. The company expects data for this setting available for the newer system in the first quarter of this year.

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FDA approves next-gen inhaled nitric oxide delivery system from Vero Biotech

[Image courtesy of Vero Biotech]Vero Biotech announced that it received FDA approval for its latest-generation tankless inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) delivery system.

Atlanta-based Vero Biotech developed its third-generation Genosyl delivery system for respiratory therapists. Its new features include faster dosing, simpler workflow and operational efficiency.

Get the full story at our sister site, Drug Delivery Business News.

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FDA approves next-gen inhaled nitric oxide delivery system from Vero Biotech

[Image courtesy of Vero Biotech]Vero Biotech announced that it received FDA approval for its latest-generation tankless inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) delivery system.

Atlanta-based Vero Biotech developed its third-generation Genosyl delivery system for respiratory therapists. Its new features include faster dosing, simpler workflow and operational efficiency.

Get the full story at our sister site, Drug Delivery Business News.

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