MedTech Innovator announces 2023 Grand Prize winner

StrokeDx accepts its MedTech Innovator 2023 grand prize. [Image courtesy of Helen Shik/MedTech Innovator]MedTech Innovator, a global medtech accelerator, today announced that StrokeDx won the grand prize in its 2023 Global Competition.

StrokeDx develops a rapid, portable and affordable stroke diagnostic device. The Pasadena, California-based company won a live audience vote at AdvaMed’s The MedTech Conference on Oct. 10. It beat out four other finalists within the 2023 MedTech Innovator cohort.

Phiex, which will participate in a panel at DeviceTalks West in Santa Clara, California, Oct. 18-19, won the grand prize last year. (Learn about that panel and more at

(And want to find out more about all 10 finalist in the competition? Our DeviceTalks Weekly podcast has you covered with interviews with each of the 10 startup CEOs.)

The winner StrokeDx seeks to speed up stroke diagnosis in the critical window

The primary objective …

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