Unlock advanced CBD formulations with nutritional lipids

Scientist pipetting samples into micro centrifuge tubes ready for automated analysis. Image courtesy of DSM.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is fast emerging as an exciting ingredient across the pharmaceutical market, powered by increasing scientific research investigating its potential benefits in a number of disease states, including central nervous system (CNS) disorders, pain management, cancer and more. While there is a remarkable opportunity for the development of CBD-based solutions in the field, formulation can be challenging at times, especially when the focus is on increasing the oral bioavailability of the molecule. There are new and emerging ways to address the technical challenges associated with CBD bioavailability and enable the molecule to fulfill its full potential as a therapeutic agent. Here, we explore how lipid-based systems may hold the key to success in this space.

Understanding the complexity of CBD f…
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What are pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics?

Time course of drug plasma concentrations over 96 hours, following oral administrations every 24 hours. Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Drug formulation involves balancing the body’s ability to use and then eliminate the drug candidate. The field of pharmacology is dedicated to this balancing act, studying how a drug candidate influences biological systems and the body’s reaction to that compound. This task involves the study of pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD).

In pharmacokinetics, the study of the movement of compounds within the body involves absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) testing. ADME testing applies to pharmaceutical compounds, including food additives, cosmetics and pesticides.

In pharma, the first part of the ADME process, “absorption,” involves studying how a drug candidate travels from its administration site into the bloodstream. “Distribution” follow…

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