How digital pathology can transform the value of clinical trial information

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The field of pathology is gradually going digital, marking a pronounced shift from the traditional use of glass slides, a practice that dates back to the Victorian era. Digital pathology uptake reached an “exponential” pace in the wake of the pandemic, noted Dr. Monika Lamba Saini, director of pathology, at Q2 Solutions, an IQVIA subsidiary.

Adoption has grown from a negligible amount to roughly 15% over the past five years, said David West, CEO of Proscia, a digital pathology company, and a Q2 Solutions partner. The Digital Pathology Association notes that adoption in recent years has been brisk, hovering between 27% and 37% growth from 2021 to 2023, with the pandemic serving as an accelerant. Growth is cooling but is still brisk. According to Proscia’s 2023 Life Sciences Digital Pathology Adoption Survey, 70% of life sciences organizations were using digital pathology, with an additional 53% of t…

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