Noble Leads with its User-Centered Design Strategy

By Tim McLeroy, Executive Director of Marketing and Patient Services, Noble International

At Noble, the patient journey drives everything we do. Our patient-centered approach pushes us to fully understand and characterize patient needs, providing data and experiences that help us ease the burden and anxiety of self-administered treatments.

While drug delivery devices are well designed to address a general patient population, too often challenges and anxieties that patients experience negatively impact their compliance and adherence to prescribed regimens. The capabilities of users are a cornucopia of aging and/or disease factors that can lead to tremor, diminished hand strength, dexterity & haptic feedback, challenged vision, and compromised cognitive processing. A patient-centered strategy takes all these factors into account to deliver device design & training solutions with effective user experiences.

If patients are to become and rema…

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Noble expands its services for its clients into Human Factors

Human Factors + (HF+) is a natural extension of Noble’s deep understanding of the patient experience relative to self-administering drug therapies

By Tim McLeroy, Executive Director of Marketing & Patient Services

The global market for medical devices is approximately $436 billion, bolstered by an aging population, according to data from hfMEDIC, the University of Utah-led Human Factors MEdical DevIce Consortium. The associated cost estimate of human error relative to use of medical devices—based on the percentage of errors attributed to human error from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) recall and adverse event databases—is $48 million annually, with most due to labeling design, employee error and software-use environment issues.

To help combat the causes of these startling numbers, Noble, an Aptar Pharma company, recently announced an extension of its services for its clients—from patient training and onboarding programs and services—into hu…

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