Medtronic’s Symplicity Spyral device is a multi-electrode radiofrequency catheter for renal denervation. [Image courtesy of Medtronic]
Medtronic’s Symplicity Spyral renal denervation (RDN) system for treating hypertension seems less likely now than ever to win FDA approval after yesterday’s vote Circulatory Systems Devices Panel vote.The panel’s medical and statistical experts voted against recommending approval of Medtronic’s RDN therapy for hypertension under the proposed indications. While they supported approval of ReCor Medical’s competing RDN system one day earlier, a key difference was the failure of Medtronic’s RDN system to outperform hypertension drugs.
Medtronic acquired the technology through its takeover of Ardian in January 2011. Early clinical results were promising, but Medtronic announced in 2014 that its Symplicity HTN-3 trial failed to meet it…