Analysis shows that cariprazine may have cost savings potential for treating MDD

[Cariprazine image courtesy of PubChem]

The Vraylar (cariprazine), which recently scored FDA approval as an adjunctive treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), could have positive implications for healthcare resource utilization. A new analysis suggests that this atypical antipsychotic, initially developed by Allergan (now AbbVie), could curb healthcare spending of MDD treatment.

In the economic analysis, patients who received cariprazine as their first adjunctive therapy had 45% fewer MH-related hospitalizations and 33% fewer outpatient visits per patient-year than those who received it as a subsequent adjunctive therapy. Additionally, patients starting cariprazine as their first adjunctive therapy also had $2,182 lower total MH-related healthcare costs per patient per year. This was largely a result of significantly lower outpatient visit costs, which were reduced by $1,511 per patient per year, relative…

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Prices of top 25 Medicare Part D drugs more than doubled since market entry; AARP offers new insights in drug pricing report

[Mark Aplet/Adobe Stock]

Medicare Part D drug prices have seen a significant surge in recent years. The price of the arthritis drug Enbrel has soared 701% since its launch in 1998, and the diabetes drug Januvia has jumped 275% since its debut 2006. All in all, the average price increase for the 25 brand-name drugs with the highest Medicare Part D spending in 2021 was 226%, noted AARP in a recent drug pricing report.

Such attention-grabbing stats aren’t isolated cases, but part of a bigger picture. Almost 60% of the current list price for the top 25 drugs is a result of price increases post launch. “On average, the prices of the 25 top Medicare Part D drugs have more than tripled since they first entered the market,” said Leigh Purvis, director, health care costs and access at AARP, in a media briefing. “Some of the prices are more than eight times higher than they were when they launched.”

The economic…
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