Bruker acquires Canopy Biosciences

Bruker Corp. (NSDQ:BRKR) announced today that it acquired biomarker imaging technology developer Canopy Biosciences.

Billerica, Mass.-based Bruker said in a news release that the acquisition, for which financial details were not disclosed, enhances its offering in targeted multi-omics and fluorescence-based imaging technologies and combines its global reach with Canopy’s success to date.

Canopy develops high multiplex biomarker imaging technology for practices in immunology, immuno-oncology and cell therapy.

The company, founded in 2016, also developed its ChipCytometry platform for use in ultrasensitive DNA sequencing (RareSeq), RNAseq, gene expression analysis, and multiplexed protein detection in cells and tissue samples.

“We are excited to add the multi-omics and high-content cytometry expertise of Canopy, and its novel ChipCytometry platform to Bruker,” Bruker NANO group president Mark Munch said in the release. “Canopy has a unique set…

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